• The role of shame and guilt in student behaviour – and what it means for our practice
• How we can harness self-efficacy and what we know about brain development to improve behaviour
• Trauma-informed practice – what does it look like in the day-to-day?
Your chance to network and visit leading exhibitors in the sector
Breakout Session 1 (CHOOSE 1A, 1B or 1C)
• A case study of pastoral and student wellbeing approaches and lessons learned
• Establishing a thriving nurture provision for vulnerable students
• Find out more about the ACE (A Champion for Every Child) pastoral tutoring programme
• Why 'bending the rules' and our provision is necessary and possible to help students thrive
• The six psychological needs of students that schools must meet
• The Students' Dozen: 13 practical elements that must be in place if students are to enjoy school and succeed
• Find out how The Grove Primary School prioritises the wellbeing of both pupils and staff
• How is wellbeing embedded across the school, including in the curriculum, the canteen and pastoral care?
• How is the school address increasing pupil anxiety post-Covid? How are school staff supported to spot the signs?
Breakout Session 2 (CHOOSE 2A, 2B or 2C)
• How the Monk’s Walk Continuum of Needs is supporting students
• How staff are trained and supported to use the Continuum
• How other schools might adopt and adapt the Continuum approach
• Understanding the impact of poverty and stigma on mental health and wellbeing
• Lessons learned from in-school work to reduce the impact of poverty on students
• Find out what pupils and families themselves say supports their wellbeing and helps to reduce stigma
• Explore the links between strong relationships, pupil behaviour, and wellbeing and mental health
• Ideas for building strong and effective relationships with our pupils to support wellbeing and behaviour
• Why the language we use to describe behaviour and wellbeing in school matters
Your chance to network and visit leading exhibitors in the sector
• Is your school's excellent pastoral work being undone by the academic treadmill? Does your pastoral offer and classroom practice align?
• What can we do to marry teaching and learning with pastoral care?
• How can we develop students' skills of self-regulation and intrinsic motivation, whilst making their learning purposeful?
Breakout Session 3 (CHOOSE 3A, 3B or 3C)
• Find out about the highs and lows of Meridian High School's six-year wellbeing journey
• Behaviour is a form of communication – what does this look like in practice in the classroom and school corridors?
• Find out about Meridian High School's SEMH provision and student workshops
• Practical strategies to ensure PSHCE education is effective
• How PSHCE can be delivered to tackle new and emerging wellbeing challenges
• Digital wellbeing: A practical model of digital wellbeing that can be adopted by schools
• A range of ideas, and tried and tested examples of good practice
• An effective Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy – theory into practice
• Why is mental health and wellbeing vocabulary important?
Your chance to network and visit leading exhibitors in the sector
Breakout Session 4 (CHOOSE 4A, 4B or 4C)
• Crucial wellbeing strategies that can support students who are on their menstrual cycle
• How we can avoid the negative impact of periods on learning and prevent school absence
• How we can talk about periods with all teens to overcome the taboos that still exist
• Quick wins and lessons learned from the therapeutic schools approach
• Easy changes and adaptations to your learning environments to boost pupil wellbeing
• What are the biggest barriers to wellbeing in your classrooms?