
Arrival, refreshments and exhibitor viewing
OPENING KEYNOTE: Non-confrontational approaches to promote wellbeing and learning

• The role of shame and guilt in student behaviour – and what it means for our practice
• How we can harness self-efficacy and what we know about brain development to improve behaviour
• Trauma-informed practice – what does it look like in the day-to-day

Everton Free School in Liverpool & co-author of A School Without Sanctions
Olsen House School, Liverpool & co-author of A School Without Sanctions
Refreshments and exhibition viewing

Your chance to network and visit leading exhibitors in the sector

Breakout Session 1 (CHOOSE 1A, 1B or 1C)

1A. SECONDARY: Mental health and pastoral care: A whole-school case study

• A case study of pastoral and student wellbeing approaches and lessons learned
• Establishing a thriving nurture provision for vulnerable students
• Find out more about the ACE (A Champion for Every Child) pastoral tutoring programme

Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead, Rainham School for Girls, Kent
Regional Lead for ACE Ambition Tutor Programme, The Kemnal Academies Trust (TKAT)
1B: CROSS-PHASE: Why we need bendy schools and how you can create them

• Why 'bending the rules' and our provision is necessary and possible to help students thrive
• The six psychological needs of students that schools must meet
• The Students' Dozen: 13 practical elements that must be in place if students are to enjoy school and succeed

Beyond This
1C. PRIMARY: Creating a mental health haven: A roadmap for schools

• Find out how The Grove Primary School prioritises the wellbeing of both pupils and staff
• How is wellbeing embedded across the school, including in the curriculum, the canteen and pastoral care?
• How is the school address increasing pupil anxiety post-Covid? How are school staff supported to spot the signs?

The Grove Primary School, Totnes

Breakout Session 2 (CHOOSE 2A, 2B or 2C)

2A: SECONDARY: Monk’s Walk Continuum of Needs

• How the Monk’s Walk Continuum of Needs is supporting students
• How staff are trained and supported to use the Continuum
• How other schools might adopt and adapt the Continuum approach

Designated Safeguarding Lead
Monk's Walk School, Welwyn Garden City
2B: CROSS-PHASE: Poverty, disadvantage and mental health

• Understanding the impact of poverty and stigma on mental health and wellbeing
• Lessons learned from in-school work to reduce the impact of poverty on students
• Find out what pupils and families themselves say supports their wellbeing and helps to reduce stigma

Head of Education Policy
Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG)
2C: PRIMARY: Putting relationships at the heart of your primary school: A tale of two schools

• Explore the links between strong relationships, pupil behaviour, and wellbeing and mental health
• Ideas for building strong and effective relationships with our pupils to support wellbeing and behaviour
• Why the language we use to describe behaviour and wellbeing in school matters

Senior Learning Mentor & Thrive Approach Lead at
Hunters Hall Primary School, Dagenham
Thrive Lead and School Counsellor
Rose Lane Primary, Romford
Lunch and exhibition viewing

Your chance to network and visit leading exhibitors in the sector

AFTERNOON KEYNOTE: Is your pastoral work being undone in the classroom?

• Is your school's excellent pastoral work being undone by the academic treadmill? Does your pastoral offer and classroom practice align?
• What can we do to marry teaching and learning with pastoral care?
• How can we develop students' skills of self-regulation and intrinsic motivation, whilst making their learning purposeful?

Leadership and School Effectiveness Advisor
Devon County Council and Director of School Omega Solutions

Breakout Session 3 (CHOOSE 3A, 3B or 3C)

3A: SECONDARY: A six-year wellbeing journey

• Find out about the highs and lows of Meridian High School's six-year wellbeing journey
• Behaviour is a form of communication – what does this look like in practice in the classroom and school corridors?
• Find out about Meridian High School's SEMH provision and student workshops

Senior Leader (Behaviour)
Meridian High School, Croydon
3B: CROSS-PHASE: PSHCE & Digital Wellbeing

• Practical strategies to ensure PSHCE education is effective
• How PSHCE can be delivered to tackle new and emerging wellbeing challenges
• Digital wellbeing: A practical model of digital wellbeing that can be adopted by schools

Pastoral Support in Education
3C: PRIMARY: Protecting staff and pupil wellbeing – techniques, examples and ideas

• A range of ideas, and tried and tested examples of good practice
• An effective Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy – theory into practice
• Why is mental health and wellbeing vocabulary important?

Head of Mental Health and Wellbeing
Avenue House Preparatory School, London
Refreshments and exhibition viewing

Your chance to network and visit leading exhibitors in the sector

Breakout Session 4 (CHOOSE 4A, 4B or 4C)

4A: SECONDARY: Periods and wellbeing: Breaking down taboos, preventing absence, and supporting mental health

• Crucial wellbeing strategies that can support students who are on their menstrual cycle
• How we can avoid the negative impact of periods on learning and prevent school absence
• How we can talk about periods with all teens to overcome the taboos that still exist

English teacher & Head of Year 12
Beaumont School, Hertfordshire
4B: PRIMARY: Therapeutic schools: Quick wins and lessons learned

• Quick wins and lessons learned from the therapeutic schools approach
• Easy changes and adaptations to your learning environments to boost pupil wellbeing
• What are the biggest barriers to wellbeing in your classrooms?

TPC Therapy
End of conference